The bike I am planning on using has 27" wheels. So if its not 700c or 27" I'll have to get a different bike. Not a big deal, but another expense.
Vskid made a good point. Solar charging wouldn't make sense financially. I have no plans for anything electric powered so I should probably sell them and use it to fund the ebike. That also solves the 36v charging problem.
I'll probably post the panels and controller up for sale, and then try pedaling the trip in the meantime. Once they sell I'll relook at e-bike building. My motorcycle just recently broke down as well so I need to wait before buying it anyway to see how much its going to be to fix it.
Thanks for the help,
1973 Fiat 124 Special
1975 Honda Civic CVCC 4spd
1981 Kawasaki KZ750E
1981 Kawasaki KZ650 CSR
1983 Kawasaki KZ1100-A3
1986 Nissan 300zx Turbo 5 spd
1995 Chevy Astro RWD (current project)
1995 Mercury Tracer
2017 Kawasaki VersysX 300
2022 Corolla Hatchback 6MT