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Old 08-31-2017, 12:32 PM   #12 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by GillyF59 View Post
It Lives!!!!! Breathing new life with the turbo!!
Forced induction can do miracles in Diesel engines.

And yes I would like to haul coolers and/or propane tanks for propane injection inside the tail.
I'm not so used to propane in automotive applications, but it's been quite common in Australia and some parts of Europe to improve the combustion process on Diesel engines. But anyway, other supplemental injection that you could also consider would be water with some added alcohol (usually methanol, but you could safely try ethanol too, including Everclear which is close to the proof of the ethanol regularly available in gas stations here in Brazil ).

Thanks for the advice on alternate fuels, we have talked about that a little bit but we really would only be able to use that on the first two tanks then we are too far from our home base.
Even though the main reasons that rendered me favorable to the usage of vegetable oils as an automotive fuel have been the reusing of waste cooking greases and the possibility to integrate non-edible oily crops with food produce (including the usage of Jatropha curcas in live-fencing for cattle pasture areas), some fresh vegetable oils are cheaper than regular Diesel while buying in bulk in Brazil (where I live) and Argentina.

On a side note I did install a 38 gallon rear fuel tank plus the factory 21 gallon front tank, fill the filler necks and I think we can carry 60 gallons of fuel. Talk about range!!
Sure it might get a great range.
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