What happens at 200*c intake temps?
It looks like the heaviest portion of gasoline finally boils off at around 200 degrees C (400f or so). So has anyone apart from Smokey Yunick got intake temps that high?
I think it would be especially feasible if you had a single side-draft carby, as you could run an exhaust heated grid/spacer just after the carb with an insulating spacer so the carb itself never sees heat...
What happens at that kind of intake temp? Does the complete vaporisation resist detonation? Does the burn speed raise so you need less advance?
Note that I'm not so interested in temps around the 100-125c mark, as the unvaporised fuel fraction is still fairly high and detonation would still be a concern. I guess I'm really after info on detonation vs vaporisation here...
Originally Posted by Crazyrabbit
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