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Old 09-02-2017, 04:24 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
... are up to 28% efficient and due to the design are more efficient at collecting indirect light than a standard poly panel.

This isn't 1999 anymore, a lot of foreign panels are getting to be very efficient at hobby prices .
Is this a reading comprehension failure?

I said 5-10% of their ideal output. Not that 5-10% was their ideal efficiency. I'm sure they can do fine assumed directly at the sun, but those aren't getting anything close to that. Ever. Under any circumstances. I'll stand behind my overall estimate of 5-10% of ideal.

Hell, even if you get them exactly perpendicular to the sun in the late afternoon, they'll only be getting within 25-30 degrees of the sun. And it'll be late afternoon so solar energy will be reduced already. And... Aiming one side at the sun means the other side it's totally shaded! Max 50% off the top without el anything else right there.

Nope. Side panels = dumb dumb dumb.

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