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Old 09-05-2017, 02:56 AM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
Bluntly, it sounds to me like nothing more than a Ford-of-Britain marketing ploy that's being "piggy-backed" upon gooberment condemnation of older vehicles as primary pollution sources,ie: Green house gas fears.
It does sound very likely to be the case.

Making it sound as though getting rid of a perfectly decent (and probably already payed off) vehicle is a "Good Thing" to do for UK society and the world in general...
Extending the life of an older (and fully paid off) car does make more sense from an enviromental standpoint. And even if the old beater would require some minor overhaul, usually it's still cheaper than buying a new car. When it comes to fuel-efficiency and an emission remediation measure, the eventual need for an engine overhaul might end up becoming an excuse to apply some of the improvements on engine and transmission featured on newer cars, and occasionally it's also easier to retrofit an older car to run on alternate fuels.

Marketing to the "herd mentality" with a dash of 'Save the World' thrown in for good measure?!?!?
Sheeple not just are easily convinced by the "save the world" marketing approach, sometimes they're only willing to get the bragging rights.
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