So I built a partial lower grill block. It isn't perfect, but it looks ok and it should be effective? Pre-blocks, my IAT has been ~10F over ambient and coolant has been~181F.
I started my lower block with a cardboard template. If you ever do this, get a contour gauge, I did not have one
. I refined the shape until I was out of patience. I marked where my tabs should be and transferred my template to .060 ABS and cut it out (I flipped it over and cut one out for the other side too). Then I used a heat gun to bend the tabs over and massage them into shape. I had a tough time getting the holes drilled. I had to drill through the bottom of the bumper cover to put the holes where I needed them. Then I secured everything with Zip-Ties (they deserve to be capitalized
). It does not form a perfect seal, but if the bumper ever gets ripped off of the car...they will still be on there!
I will watch my temps and report back, I am guessing that the opening will be sufficient to keep the fans from kicking on. If not, I will cut a small rectangular hole on the passenger side.