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Old 09-12-2017, 11:25 PM   #24 (permalink)
S Keith
Master EcoModder
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I don't see where you posted miles on the clock.

Concerning A/C use - even in mild climates, the Prius battery will get very hot - 120°F+
Sparing the A/C is usually a false economy in that the improved mileage you're getting means you'll replace your battery sooner. If it's under 80-85°F, it probably doesn't matter.

In case you weren't aware, the Prius compressor is all electric, and it varies its speed based on demand, so rather than cycling on and off like a traditional system, it dials back power usage to what it needs. Treat it like the house - Auto mode, recirc always on and control driver comfort with the temperature setting.

A good rule of thumb is - if a hot-flash prone lady isn't comfortable, the battery is too hot.
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