Originally Posted by 2000mustang fan
I think that you should also know that people do live in DIFFERENT areas, mark this some people do more highway driving so their combined EPA will be higher than someone with the same car who does more city driving with the same make model and year of the car. Just so you know there is a edit personalize valeus on fuel economy.gov. I do more city driving hence the lower EPA rating I have about 80%city driving and 20% highway so therefore my combined EPA is around 18 I checked on fueleconomy.gov because I thought 20MPG rating was too high for what I was getting in the City which sometimes varies from really low to near 18City. What I am trying to say that this argument is useless, because you do not know where the person drives more so if you would do a lot of city driving the combined EPA would actually equal the city rating for that car. EVeryone is Different with where they drive maybe you should take time to consider that before you go ranting on about how everyone is wrong and should use strict default vales with 50/50 city highway driving. look it up it's THERE! you go to compare side by side on fueleconomy.gov click the year make and model for your car then you hit personalize which is your your vaues under fuel economics. Thank you and Good day.
Yes you can change the values, but if you go out and look at a new car they have that sticker on the window. It's the accepted standard formula 45/55 that all automakers must use per the EPA. I "think" that's what they had in mind in the EM garage.
Ben, please correct me if I am wrong (it's been known to happen every once in a blue moon ... haha).
My whole point is new comers to this website (like me) are looking for ways to improve the MPG. Many are going to look for others with the same car to see what they are doing and how it can help them.