Originally Posted by gumby79
(1)With proper planning, when the power is still on and before the emergency starts .
For me 5ga of diesel( shelf life indefinite) will get me 125mi. +37ga tank gets me 800+ mi.
(1)Its hard to find extension cords that long before during or after an evacuation.
Note FL has an extremely high per capita of retired low-income individuals who frankly it's an impossibility to own 2 cars on $750 a month especially high enough quality vehicles to make a Thousand Mile Drive without question. Hence the high number of people that were stranded during Katrina many of those can't even afford one car much less a second one so that they can be eco-friendly
As before, 5/gl diesel no better than gasoline. Everyone's at 3-5/mpg due to gridlock. It's 5-15/miles of fuel. 35/gl (useable is 31) is 90-150 miles. You'll need 2-3 5-gl cans in addition to main to make 150 miles (the magic mark)
And to amplify about the poor, during an evacuation you'll see cars on the road that should never be allowed on city streets. Those breakdowns only make it worse for everyone else.
If one can't (won't) leave early, one is potentially screwed in a number of ways.
This scenario only highlights how worthless is an electric car: when it matters the most, it's an utter fail.