Random Aerodynamic Oddity of the Day Thread
Random Aerodynamic Oddity of the Day Thread
A thread to place some of the weird things you come across.
1936 H G Wells based movie “Things to Come”
I'm thinking such a helmet could be useful in a trike design or someplace where a really small canopy is too expensive or heavy to implement.
It was just too darn silly not to share.
Things to Come (1936)
Easier to pressurize a suit than an entire cockpit I guess.
Remove the wings and you might get a road vehicle out of it.
People will be sure to get out of your way.
Architect, Artist and Designer of Objects
2012 Infiniti G37X Coupe
1977 Porsche 911s Targa
1998 Chevy S-10 Pick-Up truck
1989 Scat II HP Hovercraft
You cannot sell aerodynamics in a can............
Last edited by kach22i; 09-20-2017 at 02:15 PM..