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Old 08-21-2008, 12:05 PM   #13 (permalink)
X-Frenchy: very
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Location: Toulouse, France
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megane - '97 renault megane classic
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dennisius - '06 Toyota Prius
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In France, gasoline is more expensive because government get less taxes on diesel since 70's. I heard that at this time petrol companies had too much diesel they had to export and not enough gasoline so they had to import a lot.

Currently, always in France, without taxes the diesel is more expensive than the gasoline, but with the taxes it's the contrary.

When prices began to climb this year, gasoline and diesel were roughly at the same price. I heard it was because we had to import more diesel. Since a few week, diesel is again less expensive.

About low sulfur gas, it's 50ppm max since 2005 all over Europe, but 10ppm is available since then, noticeably because some particle filters do need them. It will be mandatory at 10 ppm at 2009/01/01, except in some eastern European countries that joined Europe lately. Some northern European countries have 2-5ppm available.

So in France we prefer diesel because if you drive more than the average it's cheaper, except when you buy an old second hand diesel car so it's immediately cheaper whatever how much you drive.

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