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Old 09-25-2017, 09:58 AM   #44 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by teoman View Post
And i suppose the ammonia can be used in a jacket around the exhaust so you would not inhibit the exhaust flow.
Serpentines around the exhaust pipe are likely to be easier to implement than a jacket. Anyway, it might be also possible to put a protective casing around that setup, eventually insulated to improve the efficiency.

Besides the peltiers, if the ammonia system is not too heavy the replacing the AC with such a system would be very good for us who run the AC for 6 months.
I'm not sure how heavy it would be, but an uncle of mine had already expressed some intention to do a similar setup in one of his cars. But anyway, it's still likely to be still lighter due to the absence of a compressor and pulleys, and also nearly maintenance-free.
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