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Old 08-21-2008, 02:07 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Peon - '95 Plymouth Neon Highline baby!
90 day: 31.39 mpg (US)

Slocus Wagon - '06 Ford Focus SE
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When the first Aveo came out in Canada it was rated only .1L/100km better that the midsize Malibu... Now I see that the Aveo is rated lower, so maybe they've changed the gearing a bit or something. I shouldn't criticize people who got one but it seemed to be a car for people who didn't do their homework if you actually bought one anywhere near MSRP. As posted above, getting a small car for $4000 less buys alot of gas and makes a much smaller payment so maybe getting the Yaris of a Fit isn't such a no brainer.

The really sad part is that Suzuki is selling the Aveo as their Swift here instead of bringing over the real Swift. It is supposed to be many times the car that the Aveo is. I guess us north americans are not capable of appreciating a good small car...

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