Thread: Speed kills...
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Old 08-21-2008, 02:59 PM   #4 (permalink)
Matt Herring
Master EcoModder
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Since purchasing my 50cc scooter in June and logging 200 miles so far I have seen numerous examples of me (the scooter) vs. them (the cars) and how much actual time is saved driving on a 4 mile city/town commute driving my way vs. driving their way.

On a daily basis every single car traveling behind me is up my tailpipe trying to maneuver around me, beside me and sometimes over me. In July I decided to pay better attention to letting cars around me on uphills, straight stretches, etc. In almost every single case I ended up immediately behind the passing car at the next light, intersection, etc.

On my particular commute there is a 1/4 mile uphill that I routinely drop to 25-30 mph (the speed limit is posted at 30mph) followed by a 1/4 mile downhill that I can semi-coast at 35mph and reach 45mph if I hit the gas. If I have a particularly aggressive driver on my tail at the start of the downhill I'll hit the gas on the way down the hill and meet him on my tail on the next light (I only do this if they hit the horn to try to pass me up the hill). Yesterday, a big Ford truck was laying on his horn to pass me in town (even cut me off to get in front of me) and then at the next light I gave him a scooter "two beep" on the horn to ruffle his feathers and let him know he saved 0.0 seconds vs. me on his hurried commute!
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