Problems with Pulse and Glide.
Today I was out in the car, by myself, and traffic was extremely light. I tried Pulse and Glide, accelerating up to 60 mph, then knocking it out of gear until speed dropped to 35 mph before accelerating again. I found it very unsatisfactory because the speed bled off quicker than I was able to build it back up. To be fair, I accelerated in 5th gear (changing down to third would have put me in the 12 - 15 mpg category without a huge improvement in performance), but the real problem was the lack of inertia. I even thought I had a brake grabbing, but I jacked car up on my return and checked. The brakes were cold and the wheels spun freely. The problem seems to be a small, light, not particularly aerodynamic and under-powered car. It wasn't even windy and the road was dry and fairly flat. Don't know what to do.