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Old 10-13-2017, 05:23 PM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
The problem with using an E85 capable van as an example of having a fleet that uses alternate fuel insinuates that you might actually fill them with E85. They don't.
Indeed. Actually I can relate to that, since in my country nowadays almost every brand-new spark-ignited car and even most motorcycles are flexfuel, but most won't ever get a single drop of ethanol other than the mandatory blend in the gasoline. A different scenario would be CNG or biomethane for which the added weight of the fuel system would become a waste in case of not using the alternate fuel.

My guess is the electric trucks with the generator range extender will run those generators all day even if the battery alone would get them through the day. All It will take his one time out of the many times it happens when the day goes crazy long because of delivery volume and the trucks go dead and then the generator isn't enough to finish the route and get you home. Imagine some of those times where it's 15 degrees out with a foot of fresh snow in the black of night.
I have no clue on how the usage of the range-extender is going to be managed in a hybrid, but I'd rather bet it would have some feature to prevent the usage of it while it won't be needed. Anyway, the need for a small genset, to be eventually compatible with alternate fuels, might turn out as a good excuse to try either that LiquidPiston rotary engine or some multifuel-capable microturbine.
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