Syracuse, NY, USA. 16% of nameplate would be high. I would still like to see the actual month by month production number from the meter.
The misleading info commonly presented to the general public state claims of new installations being bid at $0.80/W. Which is never documented to be true of a completed project. And the media never tell us that the nameplate needs to be multiplied by 1/5 to get the actual average output.
The newest low pricing I see bandied about as 2.2c/kWh which is way off and not supported by data from any finished solar farms anywhere. The farm in my town is doing 16c/kWh over 30 years. With no taxes or ongoing O&M costs even added in yet. And no storage.
There seems to be mass hypnosis among staunch solar advocates which prevents them from accepting anything that contradicts what is published in the media.