Originally Posted by Grant-53
Nuclear power is not cheap. My grandfather helped build the plant in Shippingport PA. They don't go boom just sizzle. The piping gets brittle and slightly radioactive eventually needing to be replaced. Gasoline was originally a waste product before the Otto cycle engine. Whether biodiesel vegetable oil or algae based fuel there will be costs.
Other than geothermal energy, pretty much all of the energy available to humanity is driven by the sun. Either in a storage mechanism ( fossil fuels ) or in the renewable form ( radiation, wind, waves, etc. ). Nuclear power is from star dust.
And the nuclear plant your grandfather helped build is nothing like the new nuclear designs. Cost SHOULD be much lower for new designs, but the fearful populace and legal costs will multiply the reasonable value to the point of questioning. Safety will be far better, but the general populace will be hard to persuade after the track record of the older nuclear designs.