do you trust Hyundai's fuel economy ratings over Toyota's?
I think so. I have a VW Passat TDI. Looking at the fuelly reports for that car, the middle of the pack is about 40mpg, and my combined (highway-heavy) lifetime mpg is 49, near the top of the distribution. Looking at fuelly's Ioniq numbers, the middle of the pack is around 53, and with my driving style and situation I can expect about 61, if I'm again near the top. Given that most Ioniqs seem to be the 55mpg version rather than the 59mpg one ("Blue"?) it looks like they are not far off. I wouldn't mind a 12 mpg increase over my Passat, one of the reasons I am interested in this car.
Of course this assumes the Ioniq drivers are not lying more than the Passat drivers. :-)
Also, I realize I'm not answering your question, but applying it to what I know, the Passat.