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Old 10-31-2017, 02:43 PM   #457 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler
How will we feed 10 Billion people when crude oil gets remote and expensive
The way it was done a thousand years ago in South America, massive investment in biochar. It's a soil amendment and a carbon sink. Here's a skeptical article: Biochar: Black Gold or Just Another Snake Oil Scheme? | Latest News | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute (subhead: There’s little basis for claims that biochar could solve our energy, food, and climate woes)

Betteridge's Law says the answer is no, but the comments section (especially, Erich Knight) provides counter-point. The author even mentions Cool Planet, and says:
This misguided logic is what lies behind claims by companies like Cool Planet that consumers can clean the atmosphere by driving more. The California-based biofuel and biochar company seeks to make transportation fuels from wood, which they say is “carbon neutral,” and then bury the char residue from their production process, thus renderning the entire process “carbon negative.” By Cool Planet’s logic, driving more could actually reduce carbon emissions.
Cool Planet's remit is to create new farmland. The 100-octane gasoline is a byproduct.

The author includes pictures of wood burning in an open atmosphere and a slashed and burned forest to illustrate their points; that's toxic editorializing. Still you need to consider the opposing viewpoints no matter how wrong they are. The comments are very informative, though.