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Old 11-01-2017, 05:59 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by markweatherill View Post
I think the Smart car is the closest answer to this question.
The smart fortwo is 1,6m wide, so not suitable. The Renault Twizy is better then, but this too doesn't match my criteria fully as it's too costly.

Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Also, it's not just the size of the vehicle that needs to be taken into account, but the separation between them.
True, but if there aren't 1m wide cars, the road separations are never going to be changed (you need the narrow cars first). I'm thinking that in cities for instance, implementing this change could happen quickly, especially on streets that were very narrow already (1-way streets or 2-way streets were cars can barely pass).

Another thought is the use of a velomobile, but then on a bicycle lane. Are velomobiles allowed to use these and what are the requirements for them to allow them to use these lanes ? I guess that 2-seaters will be out of the question here, Also, given the limited range, this vehicle shouldn't be (much) more costly than a regular bike. Short distances are done with it, so (hybrid) electric propulsion is only needed as an option (plain pedaling will do for most). Covering is essential though, but carbon fiber shielding will be too expensive, so I was thinking on whether there are any plastic coverings for regular and recumbent bikes available (generic ones, so not intented for a particular brand). These coverings are called "partial fairings" (wind screens) and "full fairings" (cover the entire bike), bimini tops are just top shieldings. Tailboxes also exist but don't shield the rider, rather they just improve aerodynamics. I found some more examples of fairings but perhaps you guys know some commercial suppliers:
* George's Cooper recumbent bicycle front shield/top

* Hase's partial covering for recumbent bicycles
* Zziper fairings
* Veltop fairings
* Lightning F-40 fairing
People doing slightly longer distances may best use a recumbent bicycle as they are 3,5x more efficient, however people in cities that already own a regular bike probably best just add a full fairing. If you need a recumbent bicycle, buying a kit may reduce the cost (see here).
There are also plans (see here,here, and here, and here).
The xyzcargo design seems the easiest since it uses plain metal beams (rather than custom-designed frames).

Last edited by smallscaleH2; 11-04-2017 at 01:00 PM..
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