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Old 11-05-2017, 02:22 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 564

Red 2000 Insight (2017 through 2019) - '00 Honda Insight 5MT
90 day: 64.72 mpg (US)

Red 2000 Lithium Insight (2020) - '00 Honda Insight LTO
90 day: 71.76 mpg (US)
Thanks: 224
Thanked 309 Times in 177 Posts
Credit card.. constantly paying it off every month, down to 0, have never (in 8 years of having it) had to pay a % on a balance left over from the previous month.

I used to use a debit card exclusively, but after the Target hack a friend of mine advised me to switch to the credit card so that if that ever happened again it'd just be CC info they stole not debit info. I also still use cash a lot unlike most people who went straight to plastic.
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