In 20 or 30 years man made global warming will be laughed at as hard if not harder than the satanic day care nonsense we had in the 1980s.
Two things: First, it's good to see some mention of S0; I know another forum member intends to attend Observing the Frontier.
Watching the first three parts in order was dismaying. Part four just wraps it up.
Second: Cite please. I remember it as the
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial. i wasn't laughing, but I didn't buy because I had watched the sexual Revolution devolve into Gay Pride, at a time no-one would use the word pederast. Now that that taboo is broken (in Hollyweird) maybe this will start to sort out.
Can we blame the Sun? I say we get rid of it!
Feel free to avert your eyes.