Part 2: Overpaid administrators
E. Gordon Gee, the president of Ohio State University, talked at length about eliminating wasteful spending, but received a compensation package that year worth about $2 million and billed Ohio State for $550,000 in travel in the last two years.
The Chronicle of Higher Education has called him the highest-paid public university president.
Mr. Gee said he planned to find $1 billion in inefficient spending in the university’s $5 billion budget over the next five years and redirect the money toward priorities.
"The university saved $20 million simply by switching to common vendors for pens, copiers and overnight shipping; previously Ohio State’s 14 colleges chose their own. Creating a common expense report will save $75 million."
“Every time I get a lot of money I cry,” Mr. Gee told the crowd. “And I got a lot of tears left.”