Welcome! What info are you getting from Fusion, how do you have it set up?
I don't know if being behind you helped those 10 cars' mileage much. There was probably a lot of accordion action going on back there as people thought someone ahead
might be going faster for a moment. On and on and on.
The way I see it, I've already got a job and it doesn't involve worrying about them. They can pass me if they want, but there's going to be another car or combination of cars just a bit ahead- that's why they generally don't pass, even though they want to push you to go faster.
It's truly amazing how little you can change your commute time by being in a hurry. Don't "help them out" by demonstrating this, just do your 50, get your numbers and live your life. Do keep coming here to talk about your numbers, though- we care about them.