Originally Posted by dcb
FYI, if you are in a hurry, the currently recommended display is made by newhaven display in elgin. I've asked nicely and they have let me stop in to pick up a couple models. You can get everything else from ratshack.
Nice, thanks for the heads-up on that. I'm probably not going to have a chance to interface it to my car this weekend, so I might order a handful of things from Mouser today.
I've got some LCDs (the blue ones with white backlight from Modern Device), and some LCDs we use at work (non-backlit Hantronix ones). For the time being, I'm going to use those, and I'll just wire it up so that I can swap it out with a different one later if I hate them.
But man, Newhaven is only like 2 miles from where I work... I'll see if I can work out that "drop in" with them at some point too. (I want to make a custom version of one of my company's products with a cooler looking LCD too)
Anyway, we'll see how far I get with it this weekend. I've gotta re-wire one of my RS232 level shifters to work with RBBB's pinout (or vice-versa) too.
EDIT: Well, I got my Arduino all soldered up, but I don't think I'll have any time to play with it until Sunday evening now.

Maybe if I have a few extra minutes this evening I can at least verify communications with it.