I recently became a Vanagon owner after discovering the world of Subaru engine conversions on these, and realizing that it was possible to own a reliable one!
I know this is not a great starting point for good mph or aerodynamics, but being an aeronautical engineer I could not help but try.
I came across this design for an aft wing/spoiler for square bodied vehicles, but couldn't find any specific examples of it being used. So it was time to prototype! The shape kind of resembles an inverted airfoil, and it seems likely to me that it could help draw air gently into the large low pressure zone behind a van like this, hopefully reducing drag and maybe improving wind handling.
I haven't tested it yet, it needs a coat of epoxy to weatherproof it, but I managed to get all the angles correct and it fits well by using the hatch to compress it against the body.
Thanks for any comments. I'll post some results when I get them, and I will likely continue modding it.