Originally Posted by Bill the Engineer
Does anyone have any experience with a device like this attached to the gas pedal?
The concept sounds good, but the price is daunting.
Bill the Engineer
I don't have any gas-engine ECU Drive-by-wire firmware to examine, so I can't prove it. That said, empirically the throttle is 'damped' or has a 'deadband' so that small changes in the signal do not change the torque output of the gas engines that I drive - Hyundai Sante Fe, Acura MDX, Ford F150.
I do have some code for Paul Holmes' Cougar AC and DC controllers, for electric drive. There is filtering happening on the throttle signal for sure. It is a balance between deadening the response so that the ride feels smooth, not jerky ... and having a lag between stomping on the throttle and the torque ramp-up to the wheels.
I like the concept of this device, but I fear that the solution was created before the problem was proven to exist?
As for the price, I can't imagine the hoops you would need to jump through to change a throttle signal between the pedal and the ECU. But I expect it would be lllllLLLLOOOONNNNGGGG, *PAINFUL* and EXPENSIVE!