Originally Posted by Hersbird
I don't mind somebody going slow, but around here what drives me crazy is this. They drive that slow speed but as soon as there is a passing lane they temporarily add 10-15 mph to that speed so passing involves something like 85 mph to even get 1/2 The cars by. Then as soon as the lane ends back to the slow. I drive slow as well sometimes and will slow down even more on a passing opportunity to let people by.
Had a UPS truck do that to me last night. He out accelerated me when he was in the lane next to me, was going 10 over the limit, then when the lanes merged to 1 lane, he wanted to do 10 under the limit. I got to eat massive amounts of spray from his tires while he took corners like a pansy.
I often set my cruise during passing lanes to ensure that no emotion is involved in the speed I travel. Obviously most everyone else just succumbs to their emotion because 85% of drivers will do well over the speed limit during a passing opportunity, and do well under the speed limit immediately following. Heck, I've had people add 35 MPH just to prevent me from passing only to drop 10 MPH below the limit once I no longer could.
When I get an EV, I'll go as fast as the law will allow me to get away with. Don't really care about EV efficiency as much when it's so cheap, and renewable.