Originally Posted by rmay635703
I was thinking about getting a $500 Sondors fat tire electric bike. The price is pretty amazing. I can't get Wal-Mart's least expensive put together with the least expensive hub motor, controller, and Li-ion battery for under $500. The downside is converting my standard bike I already have would be less and also more stealth. The dumb forest service has outlawed any e-bikes from their roads and that's the vast majority around here. The state lands don't recognize anything under 500 watts with pedals that operates under 30mph as motorized so I can go on state lands and trails. The problem is they so intertwine and look like a checkerboard.one minute you are on state, then maybe some timber company land (which may be ok) then forest service which is against the law. BLM also considers it a motorcycle but are more likely to allow motorcycle trails.