Thread: gsx r125
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Old 11-30-2017, 04:31 AM   #23 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Daschicken View Post
There are lighting concerns, something about the color of the lights. I think it was that red turn signals are not legal? Dunno, but my cbr 250 came in a legal setup for the U.S. and it has amber turn signals.
IIRC amber turn signals are the standard for motorcycles everywhere. Red turn signals for cars, trucks and buses had been basically an American deal, extensive to Canada and Mexico. Well, there were some older cars with red turn signals in Brazil too, and more recently some models imported from Mexico also have this feature, but it's not mainstream anymore. When it comes to motorcycles, unless they had been modded, I have never seen one with stock red turn signals.

There might also be a mph speedo requirement, but i'm not sure about that. I just know the conversions.
With analog displays it was easier to have both km/h and MPH displayed together, even though the odometer would show either miles or kilometers.
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