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Old 12-05-2017, 01:53 PM   #116 (permalink)
Not Doug
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IN a final admission of defeat, Terrel H. Bell, the Secretary of Education, recently withdrew the Reagan A dministration's most controversial changes to the regulations g overning education for the handicapped. ''Repeatedly,'' he said, ' 'we have heard from mothers how they've struggled to have their c hildren educated. In response to hundreds of parents, several of thep roposed changes are withdrawn for further study.''
You need to stop watching Fox News!

There is something seriously wrong with several of the spaces in that quote.

"Leave it to the internet to ignore the comment and focus on the typing errors."

I wondered what Turnip may have said about special education and found this instead:

"Those with emotional, physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities face a 43 percent probability of arrest compared to just 30 percent for others."

Thirty percent of adults have been arrested?

I definitely understand emotional disabilities being on that list, I was a substitute teacher for a while, and was put in emotional\behavioral classes several times, and when I drove a school bus I drove kids to a special school for kids like that, but the rest? Is that like arresting Sheldon Cooper for streamlining the cheese section?
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