Originally Posted by freebeard
Your position aligns with Lionel Nation on Youtube:
Funny, I picked that example having been unaware of current headlines. Perfect example of what I'm talking about though.
It's a waste of time for the SCOTUS to weigh in on a case of one person(s) demanding a particular service from another person. The matter is dead simple and I can already hear Judge Judy asking the questions;
"Did the baker take your money to bake the cake"
"Did the baker make the cake"
"So you're even".
While I'm no advocate for racism, sexism, or other -isms that result in unkind behavior, I'm even more against forced labor. Who is to say what supposed voluntary laborers should be required to produce? If the law is applied, it must be applied evenly, without "prejudice".
Allowing a business to charge customers differing amounts based on gender is clearly more egregious than an artist refusing to produce something they find offensive. To rule that one is acceptable while the other is not is a conspicuous display of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.