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Old 12-07-2017, 09:57 AM   #620 (permalink)
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Here is why all this talk of climate change consensus is moot.

Remember Climategate ?

You know, where the scientists conspired to align and adjust their findings to reach a preconceived conclusion.


Here we go again...

Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise...

Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise

What’s extraordinary is the desperation of scientists at what ought to be impeccably neutral and trustworthy institutions such as NASA, NOAA and PSMSL to pretend that it is.

When alarmists in charge of surface temperature datasets make dishonest adjustments to exaggerate the appearance of global warming, it looks like corruption.

When alarmists in the entirely separate field of sea level measurement make precisely the same sort of dishonest adjustments in order to accord with the same global warming narrative, it starts to look like a conspiracy.

Adjustments’ To Create Spurious Sea Level Rise

Have Now Infected The PSMSL Tide Gauge Data

Whistleblower Scientists: PSMSL Data-Adjusters Are Manufacturing Sea Level Rise Where None Exists

In a new paper published in Earth Systems and Environment this month, Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier uncover evidence that Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) overseers appear to have been engaging in the “highly questionable” and “suspicious” practice of adjusting historical tide gauge data to show recent accelerated sea level rise where no such acceleration (or rise) exists.
This adjustment of tide gauge data to yield a rising sea level trend where none exists is not occasional or episodic. Instead, for every adjustment of raw data analyzed, “the adjustments are always in the direction to produce a large rise in sea level.”

Here is the full paper.



The reconstructed tide gauge records of Aden, Mumbai and Karachi are perfectly consistent with multiple lines of evidence from other key sites of the Indian Ocean including Qatar, Maldives, Bangladesh and Visakhapatnam. The sea levels have been stable since the start of the twentieth century in Aden similar to Karachi and Mumbai.

Climate change is all about agenda...

Not science...
