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Old 12-08-2017, 02:32 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Permalink #66
Blockchain can't be sustainable since every transaction carries with it a history of all prior transactions.
As a first approximation. It's been a while since I was following it closely, but there are wheels within wheels. Side chains are one example. There is something else i can't remember the term for, that effectively rolls up older uncontested segments of the blockchain that hashes or compresses it so that it's possible to unpack it again if the need should ever arise. Old blockchain is old.
Merkle tree. the term I couldn't remember is Merkle tree.

Love You Like A Bitcoin by Kryp Tina was posted to Youtube when Bitcoibn was $12.00.

"...ASICs dying from all the heat-heat-heat-heat...

Things move fast here in the Matrix. I found the full interview with this guy, I'd seen excerpts before:

He takes you from Sofia runs on Ethereum to the crypto-ruble. I like this guy a lot, he's relaxed and hopeful and totally bonkers. The interview reminds me of the basement in That 70s Show.
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Last edited by freebeard; 12-08-2017 at 04:52 AM..
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