I did the harpoon mod way back. Filling took forever before that.
But let's face it. Unless you've spent big bucks for a graduated fill column getting consistent fill-ups is an iffy thing regardless.
I defeat that by extension. I make my tests over 1,600 miles on a repeating circuit - third Interstate, a third two-lane state roads and a third urban/suburban. Drive the posted limit (70 for the slab, 55 or 60 for state roads and along with traffic in town) That four fill ups.
After four fill-ups the variations have averaged out and I get believable results.
When you seek MPG, instant gratification is elusive.
2000 Ford F-350 SC 4x2 6 Speed Manual
4" Slam
3.08:1 gears and Gear Vendor Overdrive
Rubber Conveyor Belt Air Dam