Originally Posted by wdb
6 or 8 cents/mile to drive a car? That's bad math right from the start. The average new car costs over tens times that much -- more than SIXTY cents per mile to operate. The biggest piece by far is depreciation, so you can knock that number down significantly by buying used. Also, driving higher mileage per year will reduce it a bit as well. However you are never going to get into single digits unless you drive fully depreciated cars, do all of your own work on them using stolen parts, and drive uninsured.
Here's the latest figures from AAA:

Im not sure how AAA came up with those numbers because that's crazy. I could see those numbers if you paid a dealer for oil changes every 3k miles and for every other "SERVICE" they try to pin on un-informed customers....
My 1999 f250 diesel which cost $375 on even years and $425 odd year for registration EVERY YEAR CA takes that from me, takes 16 quarts of oil every 5k miles, gets about 15-15 mpg with $3.30 a gallon cost me .55 cents per mile to drive this year. that's including my monthly payment, and collision an comp insurance coverage with very high amounts etc...