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Old 12-31-2017, 09:02 PM   #18 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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Originally Posted by Phoenix'97 View Post
Well I plan to contact GEVO, the company that is promoting this variant of bio-butanol, and see what can be done. In all honesty, I highly doubt that I will be able to get it for a competitive price to the pure non-ethanol gasoline I am currently using. Since Iso-butanol is not being sold at any fuel station in the country, I will likely have to purchase it by the 55-gallon drum and have it shipped to my house. From there, purchase a hand pump to suck out the fuel from the drum and fill up my car.

This is REALLY the only way to start getting this product on the market, people willing to spend the money initially to consume this product and start driving a demand to have it sold from a retailer.

My only incentive to use this fuel over cheaper gasoline is the knowledge that I am using a cleaner burning fuel and a fuel that will keep my motor running clean since it produces negligible amounts of carbon deposit. I don't expect any payback in using this fuel, but I do intend to promote it with my car as I drive around town.

Again, I need to see what the final cost will be and decide on whether or not it is worth it. Maybe GEVO can cut me a deal if I am a year-round customer, who knows.
I would be very interested in a drum of this for testing on my car. When you find out could you please let me know the cost for a 55 gallon drum? Thanks.
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