Had my 1993 Ford Festiva (average 46 MPG) die on me jan 2 1997.
Bought a $475 used 2013 ZenN 50cc scooter three weeks later (average 130 MPG) for a net efficiency gain of 84 MPG).
There were, naturally, a FEW trade-offs for said efficiency...
Long Term plan for 2018-save my money, grab an old ATV front end, a Scooter back end and a 150cc CVT, learn to create the simplest wiring harness possible, mount 13" DOT scooter rims fore and aft, design a chassis from 1/8" plywood (initial shape) roughly eight layers of Fiberglass with thin steel reinforcing plates (sidecar-style Pilot Pod, 5 gallon tank and Aerodynamic Tailbox trunk bigger than a Harley Touring), have my trusted mechanic double-check
Everything and chase that happy medium between Efficiency, Comfort and Safety under the DOT Rules for Home Built Motorcycles...
...assuming of course that NC DOT doesn't change the rules behind my back again before I finish.