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Old 01-08-2018, 08:40 PM   #97 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I can't believe pickups haven't gone hybrid already.
Some years ago, Chevy was selling the Silverado in Ecuador only as a hybrid, due to local benefits for all hybrids which made them cheaper than a non-hybrid counterpart. When the Ecuadorean gov't restricted that benefit only to hybrids up to 1.8L around 2012, hybrids lost its competitive advantage in regard to purchase cost.

The traction battery could also double as a generator for running tools if it actually gets used for work.
Even if it wouldn't be used for actual work, that could be useful as a power supply for the household during weather-related power shortages like happened in Florida during Hurricane Irma. But anyway, for specialty equipments that are currently activated through PTOs mounted either in the transmission or to the crankshaft, resorting to electric power would make sense.
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