Update, I tried the dc/dc from the forklift through a diode to prevent any reverse current from the alternator. That was a fail. There was a voltage drop through the diode and output voltage was too low to do any good. At least I know now.
Round two. I mounted the two small dc/dc converters I have in parallel, set the voltage to 14 volts and didn't bother with the diode. They aren't reverse polarity protected but I figured it won't matter as long as output is close to Alt. voltage. Time will tell if they last. Today was the first test and it seemed to work okay. They don't have enough output to keep up with head lights, but battery doesn't pull down as far or as fast. With just clearance lights and DRL's it's fine. I may still try it with the diode and see if it works. I notice the dc/dc's stay on all the time when connected to the 12 volt battery. I don't think they will draw much to keep the caps charged but it's not ideal.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km