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Old 01-09-2018, 11:15 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 14

ES9 - '03 Honda CIVIC Hybrid
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Thanks for all the great responses guys!

So I should clarify a bit. Yes the weather is cold here, but the car is inside my climate controlled shop (72F) where I am performing the discharge/charging. I mentioned the cold because I have noticed when im actually driving out in the cold, or if it sits outside for the day when I am at work, that its charging rate is diminished while driving. The temps outside here have been around (-15F)

With that being said, yes I did take the battery down too far as I failed to do enough research. Lucky for me, it did bounce back to 178 by the end of the day(24hrs) with my grid charger. Originally from 180-182v so some harm but not much. My guess is that there may have been one cell or two sabotaging the whole pack from working properly in the first place.

So moving forward I have read that there are a few guys that will do a charge/discharge a few times. Does that sound correct or is it a waste of time. Im not too worried about opening the battery up and replacing sticks if I need to, I just would prefer to avoid doing that right now. I have yet to drive the car and see if there is a notable difference in performance.
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