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Old 01-11-2018, 08:52 PM   #767 (permalink)
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I remember something about the weather September 11th - 14th, 2001, when all flights were grounded. Looking for it, I found this, which does not talk about the weather, but is fascinating:

When the first plane hit, the President was reading a book to school children. It is infrequent, but people still talk about where they were and what they were doing on September 11th. You may win that game if you can say "The President was reading us a story."

Both the U.S. and Russia were in the middle of war games. The emergency systems and procedures were up to fifty years old and almost nobody was familiar with them. Of the top ten officials, the only one to follow procedures was later sent to prison, but procedure put him in a secure bunker, out of communication with everyone else, not that everyone else was able to communicate well. Putin tried calling W. to ask why we went to Defcon 3, but there was not any way for them to talk. Condoleeza Rice finally talked to Putin and settled everything.

This is from 2004 and claimed that contrails warmed the U.S. from 1975 - 1994, but not for the ten years before the report? It also alleged that cirrus clouds increased in number every year, but I cannot find any support for that, but hey! One of the researchers was named Dung!
Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate

A Cracked writer claimed that temperature increased 2° within three days of September 11th:
[C]ontrails act as mirrors, reflecting heat away from the Earth's surface.
The Cracked page linked a source, which is dead. The Wayback Machine to the rescue! I needed to go back to 2013 to find it here:
"DTR (diurnal temperature range) departures for the grounding period are, on average, 1.8 C greater than DTR departures for the two adjacent three-day periods."
That indicates the Cracked piece was misleading, the daytime temperature increased one degree, but the nightime temperature decreased one degree.

"There's nothing to see here. Move along" (paraphrased): BBC - Climate Change: The Blog of Bloom: 9/11 research challenged: contrails aren't turning up the heat
They studied contrails one kilometer in width and larger, said their influence would need to be one hundred times as large to have any real affect, but are probably three times as significant as the data suggests. So, 1/33rd of enough to make a difference:
James Hansen of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, and colleagues ran models that increased the contrail coverage in Minnis's study by a factor of five. Even with this significant increase, Hansen's team found that global mean temperature change was in the neighborhood of 0.03°C (0.05°F)—a minute amount.
NOVA - Official Website | The Contrail Effect

Researchers noticed a difference after September 11th, but that was only three days. We needed to look longer. Our results were similar: Jet contrails affect surface temperatures | Penn State University