"But those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -C.S. Lewis
Freedom is allowing people to make the wrong choice. By trying to manipulate the information and "cook" the science, they attempt to steal that from the people and force us to follow what they have decided is best for us. Not to mention the $$$ in the green movement and government funding, billions of dollars tend to sway peoples opinions as they tend to like to stay employed.
Maybe they're right, but they hurt there own cause by doing so.
Also, should we hurt ourselves economically while China gives no damn at all? They have turned lush forests into deserts, but hey lets slit our own throats to go for that most green and expensive manufacturing process while they couldn't give a **** less. Taking pollution controls to a reasonable limit is fine, pushing for the most clean emissions technically possible is stupid as it drives up manufacturing costs to the point you simply can't compete.
Also what is this talk about wealth redistribution Oil Pan?