To reduce the amount of information spread all over the forum, I think I will use this thread as my "build" thread.
I have decided to track my mileage per charge and just use the reported gallons consumed and the miles driven in ER mode. Mileage tracked on this site will be in ER mode only, ignoring my EV miles. This will obviously create some inaccuracies as erdtt will boost EV range.
Speaking of EV miles, I put the car in mountain mode to reserve 10 miles of charge. There was quite a bit of traffic on 31/465 this morning so I took some side roads and my display moved from 10 miles to 6 miles after driving about 10 miles in normal mode, so non-highway use makes a MASSIVE difference in EV range.
Also, at second look, the torque app does appear to be pretty accurate with the instant mpg display but the trip mpg meter records 0 miles when the engine shuts off even when in ER mode.