Originally Posted by Hersbird
I think the onramp argument is a straw man. If it is an on ramp, you will get up to a reasonable speed that allows a merge. You certainly will always be faster than a loaded tractor trailer doing the same thing, and they need 100'+ of space. If it's just a little turn onto a fast highway then you need to wait until it is clear even if you have a Tesla S in ludicrous mode.
And I also live hundreds of miles of any modern freeway or onramps. Where I live is very rural, where it's common to get behind farm tractors or even herds of cattle being driving down the highway. And after driving school bus for several years that also had a limited speed I'm used to pulling over every once in a while if I get a line of cars behind me.
PS. As of today I'm leaning towards trading in all three cars for a Prius Prime because of the tax credits. About $4500 federal and $5000 state. That knocks the price down to close to that of a new Honda Fit or Toyota Yaris.