My other vehicle before Christine was a 1990 Buick Lesabre that got around 24 MPG, but the car was literally rotting away from underneath and no longer safe to drive. The front subframe would literally flex on cornering and going down the highway, you could hear the rusted pieces of the unibody falling onto the highway when hitting bumps. One time, I put it up on the lift to inspect the damage and all the other techs were like.........
"WTF dude! You are driving this thing?"
When lowering the lift, both rear lift arms went through the frame and floorboard.
I scrapped this car after getting Christine and added some other scrap steel from home and got $385.00 from it. Not bad for only paying $200.00 for the car and driving it for over a year. I did not include the scrap return in my figures.
__________________ - got mpg?