Originally Posted by Daschicken
THIS MAN SPEAKS THE TRUTH! I got to see just how NOT BAD german drivers were on a family trip to Germany and the surrounding countries. Italian drivers are just like US drivers though. On the trip I don't think I saw more than maybe TWO people on their phones. In MERICA' probably about half of our drivers are on the phone. Oh and being able to rent manual cars is awesome.
Just earlier today I got double yellow passed for going 2-4 over the limit. Then the people passing me had the ****ing nerve to look over as if I were the one doing something wrong. If I were a cop, I would be BUSY! That clip will be going in my next(next?) episode of bad drivers of georgia.
That happens to me 5 days a week (work days) some idiot in a 1980's red Ford pickup always ends up behind me on my way to work doesn't matter if it's a double yellow or what, if he can see around me and there's no oncoming traffic he always over takes. Speed limit is 55, and I drive, 55-60, but that's waaaay to slow for him, he will be out of sight in no time. He could you know leave 5min sooner and drive like a normal person but nah that's to intelligent.