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Old 01-22-2018, 06:46 PM   #1 (permalink)
Not Doug
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The King of Random is going to Court

I do not know how many of you follow Grant Thompson, but he is one Crazy Canadian! He recently fired his gun repeatedly inside his own home, once lit gasoline on fire in his work room, and he makes and sets off all kinds of explosives, etc. In one video, he poured acid from a car battery while wearing flip-flops and boiled the acid without doing more about the fumes than going outside. Often his only safety equipment is gloves and eye protection while he makes things burn, explode, and emit noxious fumes. He has gone to the desert for a number of videos, but often we comment in the video "How often do his neighbors call the police?" According to, police were called out twice, and not for the most dangerous things he has done on video, and he is facing felony charges.

I am surprised his neighbors did not call the police more and they have not brought up more charges, but I imagine the prosecutor will enjoy his or her research. Grant has uploaded hours of evidence that has been fairly entertaining at times.

Projects he has made that I want to try:
A kiln like his metal foundry (to fire clay in a barbecue)
Make clay from dirt. Hopefully this is at the bottom of my list because it sounds horribly boring, yet compelling.
Styroslicer (foam cutter)
Sugar rockets
Dry ice cream (once bought the ingredients, but was not able to impress my nephews)
Spot welder

He vacuum forms, sand casts, and has probably done other projects that I found interesting and potentially useful.

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