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Old 01-24-2018, 08:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Can you transport a car inside a U-Haul?

These guys argue you cannot: [For some reason, this took several tries to embed, which is why I added this meme. Then it did not show up right when I previewed it:]

As fond as I am of transporting in box trucks instead of strapped down to an open bed, how drunk do you need to be to think that is a good idea?

There are three videos of people that eventually successfully park small cars in box trucks. What are the chances you could successfully transport a vehicle in a box truck with just the parking brake any significant distance?

I was having car problems while on a road trip during a holiday weekend, couldn't fix it myself, couldn't find a mechanic, was having difficulty finding a truck and trailer, and finally decided to look for another car.

The first one that I found was a 2000 Insight.

Then I would have two cars that I shouldn't drive up the mountain without a mechanic inspecting it first!

I kept thinking of these videos and wondering what it would take to safely park the Insight inside a moving truck, while I towed the Accord!

I just drove my car back and the other one sold.

Attached Thumbnails
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ID:	23403  

Last edited by Xist; 09-08-2020 at 07:52 PM.. Reason: typo
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